How come today we have more houses, but smaller families?
How come we have more degrees but less common sense?
How come it is that we have more knowledge but less judgement?
Still... we have more experts but more problems
more medicine but less wellness...
we laugh too little but are quick to get angry...
We seek to multiply our possessions and end up losing our human values...
We've learnt to make a living but not a real life...
We buy more but enjoy it less...
We've conqured outer space but not inner space...
We've gone to space and back and all, but we still find it difficult to go to our neighbour next door..
We've managed to split the atom but not our prejudice...
We are more on quantity, but less on quality...
We have very nice houses but broken homes...
... what are we doing to our human story?
What's the meaning of 'meaning'?
14 years ago